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The concepts of ‘UNESCO World Heritage’ and ‘Common Heritage of Mankind’: what's the point?


Le 21 mai 2024

A distance

Scientific Heritage : Concept and Property
Workshop of the Ice Memory collaborative international chair

What are the content, scope and stakes of these two concepts? Is it possible and, if so, useful to confer on the Ice Memory ice cores the status of common heritage of mankind, or UNESCO World Heritage?

With Pierre-François Mercure.

Full professor at the Université de Sherbrooke's Faculty of Law, P.F. Mercure was vice-dean of teaching for a number of years. In 1998, he obtained a doctorate in international development law from the Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis. His thesis focused on the concept of the common heritage of mankind as applied to natural resources. 

He teaches public international law, international development law, international environmental law and human rights. He conducts research and has published articles on the interface between the environment and development and on the law applicable to common natural resources. He is co-author of the monograph Droit international du développement, published in 2019.





Why join us? 

Provide answers to practical questions about property and legal framework on scientific heritage raised in the field of glaciology. These concepts will be approached from the angles of international environmental and scientific law. A final report based on the 8 Ice Memory workshops will be released in June 2024. 


Who can participate? 
Glaciologists, researchers conducting research abroad, science, environmental and international law researchers.


Our working method

These bi-monthly workshops will be organized from February to June 2024. The formula is based on 1 expert / 1h30. We address two questions, plus one general question linked to Ice Memory heritage. 


Contact Ice Memory Law and Governance Chair (theo[dot]abadie[at]univ-grenoble-alpes[dot]fr)


Le 21 mai 2024
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A distance

Publié le 25 avril 2024

Mis à jour le 25 avril 2024